What is speed?
Speed is a drug made from a branch of the amphetamine range. It is a potent, addictive central nervous system stimulant. People take it to feel energised, alert, confident and outgoing.
It is available as a powder or tablet that dissolves easily in water or alcohol. It comes in many different colours, but a rule of thumb is that “whiter is better”. It can be smoked, injected, snorted or taken orally.
Speed is relatively easy to produce in small “backyard workshops”, as the separate ingredients can be legally bought, which makes it somewhat cheaper. The proliferation of shady backyard producers means the purity and ingredients differ widely, so the outcome and risks are unpredictable.
Apart from “speed”, it has many other street names, including; base, black beauties, billy, blues, chalk, dexys, eve, gas, gogo, grudge, point, pure, snow, sulphate, whizz, zip, etc.
After smoking or injection, the user has a sudden, intense, very pleasant sensation called a “rush”. Oral and snorting methods also produce a “high”, but not as sudden and intense as a “rush”.
While intoxicated, a user is in a high state of mental and physical activity for longer periods than the body can normally handle. To make matters worse, dealers dilute the drug with all sorts of dodgy “fillers”, with toxic poisoning and chemical conflicts adding to the unpleasant after-effects.
The initial “high” is followed by a long, slow downswing, along with fatigue, mood changes and a craving for more of the drug. The long term effects are more numerous and devastating.