Addiction Counselling Joburg
Do you have a problem with substances or self destructive behaviour? Isn’t it time you made a significant change in your life? You’re not alone. Speak to one of our specialist addiction counsellors and let us help you to achieve your desired goals.

Recovery Direct offers a broad range of counselling services that include daily professional counsellor led group therapy, one-on-one sessions and specialist interventions.
We offer support and can help with:
- Customised addiction treatment programmes
- Outpatient treatment and family programmes for relatives ( with specific strategies for co-dependence and such related issues)
- Courses, guidance and lectures
Addiction therapists have extensive experience in the treatment of a wide range of self destructive behaviours and are trained in dealing with clients who are struggling with alcohol addiction, substance abuse, eating disorders, gambling addiction and a wide variety of behavioural issues that surround addiction. Having known the pain, hopelessness and destruction caused by the grip of addiction, counsellors have expertise in laying the foundations of recovery.
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All addictions are interwoven among a wide range of psychological or behavioural irregularities. Very often at the heart of addiction is low self-esteem and inner turmoil; a feeling of being on the outside or being different and lacking a sense of identity. This, together with a broad range of self-defeating emotions is is often what leads to the seeking behaviours that are associated with addiction. This condition often stems from growing up in a dysfunctional environment and creating or having learned coping behaviours that repeat become the norm. This is where an addiction counsellor can help you to recognise these behaviours and find appropriate tactics that will work toward better solutions.
In our addictions programme online we treat the primary condition (which is often deep-seated trauma related) which in turn resolves the symptoms that drive the behaviours. We see addictions to alcohol, drugs, sex, gambling as symptomatic of the underlying issue that can be treated with time, patience and care. When we therapeutically work through the core problem, the symptoms begin to alleviate themselves.
Many people who suffer from addiction have a sense of shame and it becomes hard to take the first step to ask for help or even want to go to a primary care facility away from family and work. Recovery Direct has a homely and welcoming environment where patients are able to establish the peace of mind that leads them to move forward with the process of healing using online addiction counselling is a great way of being able to recover from the comfort of your own home. Here, the problem is mapped out through a conversational assessment with a addiction counsellor and an individualised client or family treatment program is created.
Our treatment programme is structured clearly and is well-tested. Some of the benefits are that clients can continue with their daily routines and remain in contact with family, children and friends as well as keep their careers on track. The programme involves commitment and willingness from both the counsellor and the client, but the results are truly outstanding.
We have extensive experience in supervising and working with registered counsellor team working in the field of drug abuse and conducting lectures for private and public institutions around addiction, family issues and sustainable treatment and recovery.
Recovery Direct addiction counsellors also have developed day care outpatient programs, aftercare programs, and day-to-day treatment programs. We supervise all sessions and counselling debriefs to ensure that the best course of treatment is adhered to for each client – successful recovery remains paramount. Most of these programs are trauma-based, which allows qualified trauma and addiction treatment counselling staff to follow a core structure from where treatment can start and be the most effective.
Counsellors also guide families who have a child that is caught in the grips of addiction as to what they can do to enable their child to live a healthy life again. Often this involves teaching the child to take action towards their own healing. Read more about the family counsellor therapy here.
Recovery Direct are specialists in facilitating interventions and helping employers deal with addiction in the family, home and workplace. This involves constructing new strategies that will eventually prevent issues, staff turnover and loss of productivity at work due to active addictions in the work place.
Recovery Direct have staff specialising in the areas of anxiety, depression, trauma, substance addiction, general psychiatry, alcohol and drug addiction treatment. Our interdisciplinary team consists of drug counsellors, medical doctors, psychologists, lay counsellors, support counsellors, family therapists, consultants and nurses. Members of staff are trained in treating the conditions surrounding substance abuse and addiction.
Together, we are South Africa’s most competent rehab and addiction recovery counselling service. Our treatment services involve mapping, counselling, drug treatment and aftercare. The end goal is integrating our clients into society again and reducing the risk of relapse and improving lives.
Private Individual Counselling
Recovery Direct provides a comprehensive outpatient and group recovery programme for past patients and outpatients needing help with staying free from addiction or who simply cannot attend a full-time inpatient programme. Take a look at the frequently asked questions if you would like to know more about the Johannesburg counselling facility and services. The care centre caters for a wide range of specialist stress treatment programmes of executives, LGBTQ / Gay relationships, rape and sexual abuse trauma, family treatment and the many interrelated disciplines.