South Africa's Top Drug Addiction Treatment Centre

Types of drugs

We are all aware that there are many different types of drugs available today and new ones are constantly emerging. The media and internet filled with reports and information about them. Yet still, the most persistent substances include both legal and illegal substances. The most common of which that we treat in Johannesburg include amphetamines, alcohol, benzodiazepines, cannabis, tik, cocaine, ecstasy, heroin and other opioid or stimulant prescription medication.

Many symptoms of substance use disorders are consistent across the board, whilst others are specific to certain drugs. Regardless of the type of drug the person is dependent on, or the level of their addiction, all the addictions can be treated with the right care programme in place.

Understanding The Withdrawal Process

“Withdrawal symptoms” are the body’s natural reactions when it is suddenly deprived of an addictive substance that it has grown accustomed to. Acute substance use disorders change many chemical functions of the body and the mind so physical and psychological dependence on the substance. These chemical imbalances can cause discomfort both physically and psychologically as the substance is withdrawn.

People with substance use disorders become progressively more tolerant of a drug as time goes by. This increase in tolerance means that they have to increase the volume of the drug, each time they take the drug, to get the same result that they experienced on the previous occasion.

In many cases of heroin, alcohol, and benzodiazepines may require a medicated withdrawal process to ensure that the patient has passed any potential medical issues before they enter psychological recovery programmes.

Recovery and Interventions

Most people stuck in addiction cycles try to stop the cycle by themselves but land up in relapse loops. This process is often repeated until the consequences become unbearable.

Traditional “interventions” need to be delicately handled, while everyone may start with the best intentions these situations, substances and relationships can play disastrously into perpetuating the cycles of addiction. It often requires intervention by family, friends, employers, or an influential person to guide the person toward accepting and finding professional help and NOT enforcing the adoption of professional help.

A successful intervention process in most cases, require 3rd professional advice from a therapist about how to best move forward in the interests of the individual and the family. Please feel free to contact us to discuss the assessment process and “interventions“.

After the initial detoxification (sometimes in a suitable medical facility) the psychotherapy can begin to establish the underlying reasons what has gone wrong and how we can help you from here. Therapy prepares you for the way forward.

Self-help and determination are seldom enough to deal with active addictions. Please feel free to phone Recovery Direct to discuss this or to arrange a confidential appointment with a trained recovery therapist.

Unlike simple bad habits, drug addictions can have wide-reaching consequences. They have a negative impact on the personal lives of the individual, their families and other people. Drugs affect health, financial well-being and interpersonal relationships. Illegal substances can often lead to arrest and prosecution and have a dire impact.

So what is actually going on, why do people risk-taking substances that cause harmful side effects?

People with substance use issues turn to substances for an infinite variety of reasons that most frequently stem from traumatic emotional events in their history. Substances consequently help deal with underlying void that they need to fill in order to feel ok. The things people do whilst in the grips of addiction are also not indicative of their true nature or personality, their behaviour is a result or symptom of the underlying unresolved trauma.

This is why it is so important to instil unconditional empathy and understanding and why so many families fall short in supporting the absolute forgiveness and support required (as they themselves are invariably caught up in the same emotional turmoil cycle). Effective professional therapy works on a trusted 3rd party understanding the issues that caused the person to turn to substances in the first place. It also fortifies a safe platform for recovery that is NOT obscured by emotional baggage.

Hello I am Nikki!

Recovery Direct is an exclusive care centre for substances like amphetaminesalcoholbenzodiazepines, cocaineheroin and prescription meds like benzos and opioids. RD Online Therapy South Africa hosts individual counselling not only for substances but also for behaviours which may involve work, foodgambling and or even intimacy. The support provided to each person’s journey is borne through our understanding what it is like to live with conditions like stress, trauma, anxiety and depression firsthand but also knowing the effects of relationships and family dynamics and finding personalised solutions to help you in this time.

Please send me a Whatsapp or give me a call and let’s chat about how we can help you.
