Find out how your past trauma can still be damaging you today.

Tools to deal with disturbing memories and re-construct your future self.


What is Trauma?

Drug Online Therapy South Africa

What is Addiction?

Online Therapy South Africa

Addiction & Misdiagnoses

Family Care Johannesburg South Africa

The Misconceptions of Addiction

talk therapy

How To Choose Treatment


Asking For Help


Understanding Denial

Online Therapy South Africa

Sexual Abuse

Recovery Direct Counselling Services

Emotional Blackmail


If trauma is not treated, it can have long-term effects on the mind and cause a variety of mental health problems. Trauma can change the chemistry and structure of the brain over time, increasing the risk of developing anxiety, depression, addiction and other mental health disorders. Trauma can also affect a person’s ability to form and maintain healthy relationships, as well as their self-esteem and lead to feelings of shame and guilt. If untreated, trauma can have a serious impact on a person’s life, resulting in a lower quality of life, an increased risk of substance abuse, and suicidal thoughts or behaviours. Individuals who have experienced trauma must seek help from mental health professionals in order to address and overcome the effects of trauma.

Recovery Direct is a recovery centre based in Johannesburg, South Africa that uses modern fact-based methodology and with trained counsellors specialised in the effective treatment of drug and alcohol dependence also known as substance use disorders and a broad range of mood and behaviour and impulse-based disorders. The multidisciplinary teams operate on a care model rooted in complex trauma CPTSD treatment and personal growth through proven mainstream psychiatric care therapy such as CBT and ACT that is centred around each client’s unique circumstances.