Opening Our Early Morning Welcome To You
We would like to invite you to move from the world around you to the world within you
Begin today’s class
- Lengthening the spine, hands relaxed on the knees, chest lifted, chin slightly in
- Closing your eyes or softening your gaze to in front of you
- Focusing on your breath; inhale and exhale through the nostrils
- Meeting yourself exactly where you are both mentally & physically
- Scanning your body and identifying with any sensations experienced such as in your back, knees or other areas, that may be stiff or tense
Setting the best intention
- Begin visualizing your day…
- Visualizing your morning, afternoon, evening and bedtime.
- Visualizing the various situations that will unfold throughout your day
- Visualizing the people with whom you will connect
- Now start to feel your way into the day
- What you wish to bring to the world or create
- Inhale deeply pause the breath feel the fullness of your lungs the uplifting nature of your heart and exhale
1st Exercise – Pelvic Lifts
Benefit: This exercise releases abdominal stress! It gives you an immediate boost of energy throughout your body that lasts well into the day. It also stimulates your thyroid. It allows you to breath deeper and adds to your energy level. It moves the energy from the lower spine to the upper spine.
Spinal fluid in the lower spine up to the neck is stimulated
- Lying on your back
- Arms by your side – palms facing down
- Your knees bent so your feet are flat on the ground
- Press into your feet
- Inhale as you lift the pelvis up off the floor
- Exhale as you come back down
- Important note: Engage in your core muscles when lifting up. Push your lower back into the mat when coming down.
To End
- Hold the posture with the pelvis lifted up
- Inhale as you suspend the breath and squeeze the pelvic floor muscles
- Release and exhale
- Relax extend the legs straight out
- Palms face up
- Deep breathing
2nd Exercise – Leg Lifts
Benefit: work on the digestive area (also emotion have to be digested), spark energy at the navel point
Good now we’re going to begin leg lifts
- Lying on your back
- Arms by your side- palms facing down
- If there’s no strain in your lower back you can inhale both legs up
- Inhale Up
- Exhale down
- If there is any strain at all begin with one leg at a time or you can place your hands & arms facing downwards underneath the lower spine and buttocks for extra support.
- Important note: Push the lower spine towards the floor to make sure that there’s no strain
To End
- Hold the legs up
- Inhale as you suspend the breath and squeeze the pelvic floor muscles
- Release and exhale
- Relax the body
- Palms face up
- Deep breathing
3rd Exercise – Piston Legs
Benefit: Concentrating your awareness at your navel point helps to build energy around your third chakra.
This is our point of personal will. This is where we bring our personal will into the right alignment and we really strengthen the core of our body
- Lying on your back
- Palms face down
- We are going to piston the legs in and out
- Inhale exhale
- Important note: Push the lower spine towards the floor to make sure that there’s no strain
To End
- Hold both legs straight out
- Inhale as you suspend the breath and squeeze the pelvic floor muscles
- Release and exhale
- Roll gently back and forth on the spine just a few times and then we’ll come up on to our feet
4th Exercise – Cat / Cow
Benefit Flexing and extending the spine can help improve circulation in the discs in your back. It’s a basic motion, but one that benefits in supporting your back and easing pain and maintaining a healthy spine, especially if you spend a lot of time sitting.
- Start on your hands and knees, aligning your wrists underneath your shoulders and your knees underneath your hips.
- Think of the spine as a straight line connecting the shoulders to the hips.
- Try visualizing the line extending forward through the crown of the head and back through the tailbone.
- This is the position of a neutral spine.
- Keep the neck long by looking down and out.
Inhale and Arch for Cow Pose
- Tilt your pelvis back so that your tailbone sticks up.
- Let this movement ripple from your tailbone up your spine so that your neck is the last thing to move.
- Your belly drops down, but keep your abdominal muscles hugging your spine by drawing your navel in.
- Take your gaze gently up toward the ceiling without cranking your neck.
Exhale and Round for Cat Pose
- Release the tops of your feet to the floor.
- Tip your pelvis forward, tucking your tailbone. Again, let this action move up your spine. Your spine will naturally round.
- Draw your navel toward your spine.
- Drop your head.
- Take your gaze to your navel.
Continue for 5 to 10 breaths, moving the whole spine. After your final exhales, come back to a neutral spine.
You should be feeling a lot more connected to your body as your organs and body systems start to wake up with fresh oxygen.
5th Exercise – Side Bend
Benefit: This exercise simply targets working on your spinal flexibility and the nervous system connections.
- Feet are about hips distance apart on the mat
- Hands are going to remain sort of by the sides of the body
- Inhale to your centre
- Stretch down to the side exhale
- Inhale Exhale inhale exhale inhale exhale
- Take your time
- Always inhale to centre and Exhale down to the side
- And inhale up and exhale
To End
- Stand Tall with arms relaxed by your sides
- Inhale as you suspend the breath and squeeze the pelvic floor muscles
- Release and exhale
With your eyes closed return to your centre position standing and slowing your breathing down to normal neutral zone. If you want to you can take a second and put your hand over your belly button and simply notice your breathing returning to a normal steady rate again.
6th Exercise – Alternating Arm Swings
- Now we’re going to take our right hand onto our heart
- And we’re going to inhale Left
- Twisting
- Exhale right
- Inhale left
- Exhale right
- Inhale
- Exhale
- Now we’re Twisting
- Open the body
- This should feel very nice
- Inhale left
- Exhale right
- Inhale to centre
- And exhale
- All beautiful
- You should be feeling very alive and very awake right about now
To End
- Stand Tall with both hands on your heart eyes closed
- Inhale as you suspend the breath and squeeze the pelvic floor muscles
- Release the arms and exhale
Standing tall and letting your arms gently fall to your sides. Releasing any tension in muscles throughout your body.
7th Exercise – Arm Sweeps
Benefits: Activates the nervous system allowing us to feel more refreshed and energised for the day.
- Standing
- Feet are about hip-distance apart
- Knees slightly bent
- Inhale as you sweep your arms up over your head
- Exhale as you sweep your arms down
To End
- Stand Tall with arms relaxed by your sides
- Inhale as you suspend the breath and squeeze the pelvic floor muscles
- Release and exhale
- Come to sit down on the mat
- Eyes closed
- Deep Breathing as you draw your attention inwards
- Allow everything from the exercise routine to now settle
- Noticing the effects of your practice today